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The Calder City Concert Band is a volunteer organization performing concerts in the metropolitan Grand Rapids area. We are a group who love to play our wind and percussion instruments and have a passion for community service. Many of us are retired and all of us are volunteers, including our band directors. Originally known as the Middleton Brass Band, the group was formed in 1983 at the Middleton Music Store located on Plainfield Avenue in Grand Rapids. In the mid-1990’s the group was re-organized and named the Calder City Concert Band.

Our purpose is to: provide an opportunity for members to play and perform concert band music, enjoy socializing with one another, and perform concerts for non-profit organizations serving the elderly, schools, and for public enjoyment. We rehearse weekly on Tuesday mornings and perform 12-15 concerts per year at retirement communities, schools and public parks.

Admittance to the band is by invitation and affirmation from a Director. Members are expected to play at an advanced high school level. The repertoire is a mixture of marches, big band, and concert band music.

Dues are $25 and are due in September for the next year or payable when a new member joins the band. There is no adjustment for those who join after September.

If the Calder City Concert Band sounds interesting to you, contact us for more information.

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Copyright ©2008 - 2025
Calder City Concert Band